Croydon Tower One


The Site is within the London Borough of Croydon, located on 4-20 Edridge Road. The Site is located to the South-West of the nearby East Croydon East Station.

Site Location

The Site is within the London Borough of Croydon, located on 4-20 Edridge Road. The Site is located to the South-West of the nearby East Croydon East Station (some 13min. walk). Located to the southern edge of Croydon town centre, the site is located within the ‘Edge’ Area of the Croydon Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF).

The site is currently vacant – with all previous structures present having been demolished and the site used for surface parking on a single level.
The site occupies 0.214 hectares. It is generally rectangular, bar a stepped profile to the south-eastern corner. It’s general dimensions are 57m long by 38m at it’s widest. The site is generally flat and level.

The wider site is bounded by three roads, the High Street to the west, Edridge Road to the East and North and Mason’s Ave to the South.

The site drops away on the west side with a retaining wall between itand its neighbours.


Tall Buildings

The immediate site surroundings, and the wider Croydon area is subject to a new, emerging urban context. This is driven, in part by the Croydon Opportunity Area Framework (OAPF).

Planning Application Visualisations

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